Flowering and growth height
30 - 40 cm
Planting depth
40% of the bulb above the ground
Suitable for pots and planters
Suitable as cut flower

The Amaryllis Clown has been bred for generations and never loses its popularity. The large flowers with wide red and white stripes make this amaryllis something very special and an evergreen. The bright green flower centre gives this Hippeastrum a particularly fresh look. Plant this amaryllis bulb deep enough so that 40% of the bulb still peeks above the soil and enjoy the first flowers within 6-8 weeks. You will be surprised by several playful flowers per stem!

Bulb/tuber size 28/30
Delivered as Flower bulb / tuber
Flower colour Red, White
Flowering and growth height 30 - 40 cm
Flowering period 6 to 8 weeks after planting
Per package 1
Place / planting position Indoors, Partial shade, Sun
Planting depth 40% of the bulb above the ground
Suitable as cut flower Yes
Suitable for pots and planters Yes
Type Amaryllis

Other information

Plant the bulb with the roots down in a spacious pot with airy, moist potting soil. About a third of the bulb may protrude above the potting soil. Keep the potting soil sufficiently moist. If necessary, give the bulb a little water when the buds become visible. Place the pot in a light and warm place with about 21 °C

Spring bulbs and Amaryllises

Pre-orders can be placed until the end of August and will be shipped in the first half of September. Pre-orders with spring bloomers and Amaryllis are sent together in the first half of October.

Delivery time from half of September is 3-7 working days

Perennials on grower's pot and wax amaryllises are expected to be available again from the end of September.

Summer flowering bulbs and perennials

Pre-orders for Summer bloomers are expected to be available again from mid-January. Pre-orders can be placed until the end of February and will be shipped in the first half of March.

Delivery time from half of March is 3-7 working days